Business Box to Business Club
Business is the practise of earning a livelihood or generating money by creating or purchasing and selling goods and services. It is also “any profit-making activity or enterprise.”
Having a business name does not remove the business entity from the owner, which means that the owner is accountable and liable for the firm’s debts. If the company incurs debts, creditors may seize the owner’s personal belongings.
Businesses have a distinct taxes regime than corporations. Corporate tax rates are not permitted in a firm structure. The proprietor is directly taxed on all business income.
The phrase is also commonly used informally (though not by attorneys or public authorities) to refer to a business or cooperative.
Corporations, as opposed to sole proprietorships and partnerships, are a separate legal entity with limited responsibility for its owners/members and are subject to corporation tax rates. A corporation is more difficult and costly to establish, but it provides more protection and benefits to the owners/members.